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moneypoolscash blockchain is a decentralized, trustless, permissionless, layer 1 blockchain based on Bitcoin's UTXO model providing Ethereum's EVM for smart contract execution. moneypoolscash uses Proof-of-Stake consensus and offers several platform innovations for governance and operations. The blockchain uses moneypoolscash coins for staking and transfers and allows the creation of various types of tokens for fungible and nonfungible types.

• Average block spacing: 32 seconds • Smart contract token protocol: MPC20, based on Ethereum MPC20 plus non-fungible tokens. • Consensus algorithm: Proof of Stake, version 3.5

moneypoolscash smart contracts use the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) which was designed to work with an account that holds the wallet’s balance. However, moneypoolscash transactions are based on the Bitcoin UTXO model which manages the balance of a wallet as any number of individual transactions. The Account Abstraction Layer interface abstracts all these individual transactions to present a single account balance that allows easier smart contract operation and code reuse from Ethereum smart contracts. The resulting EVM account model is simple for smart contract programmers to use. Operations exist to check the balance of a contract and other contracts on the blockchain. There are operations for sending moneypoolscash to other contracts.

DGP uses smart contracts to control and update basic blockchain consensus parameters such as block size and gas fee (for smart contract execution). DGP will enable the upgrade of these parameters without the need for a hard fork. DGP does not eliminate hard forks for major new features and functionality.

moneypoolscash does not have masternodes. Every moneypoolscash Core wallet is a permissionless full node on the moneypoolscash network. Any staking wallet can publish new blocks.

Please see the links to technical/developer documents and tools on the Developer page. moneypoolscash is an open-source project with over 100 repositories available at giving source code, documentation, and user manuals.

You can buy moneypoolscash on many leading exchanges, see - . moneypoolscash is an independent Layer 1 blockchain, not an Ethereum token, and is not offered on Ethereum DEXs such as Uniswap.
Our BNB wrapped token is available here
Token wallet: 0xEFa9fc897c31Bc0176150343A3cF819b0121eBe4
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For general questions about moneypoolscash, user questions, wallet questions, and developer questions, please join us on the social media channels linked at the bottom of this page. You can also reach us using the Contact us page

There is no minimum and you can stake with very small amounts of moneypoolscash. You will need more coins for a realistic probability of winning a block reward. Block rewards are awarded in a random process weighted by the number of coins in your wallet vs. the total number of coins being staked on the network. The more coins a wallet is staking, the more often it will win a block reward of 0.5 moneypoolscash. Staking will give block rewards of 6 to 8 percent return per year, but this can change over time. To see the expected time to a block reward use the stake calculator The “Expected Time” to a block reward is an estimate of the average time to a block reward. The “Expected Time” does not count down to zero. There is significant variation in the block rewards which could come earlier or much later than the Expected Time.

Wallets from the moneypoolscash developers are given below. These wallets support offline staking address delegation, moneypoolscash MPC20 tokens, and smart contract transactions, which is not always the case for 3rd party moneypoolscash wallets. moneypoolscash-Qt, desktop Core wallet with GUI (graphical user interface). A good wallet for beginners, supports staking. moneypoolscashd, server Core wallet with command-line interface, for more advanced users, supports staking. Can be used on a local computer or a cloud virtual server. Web wallet, a good wallet for beginners can restore from a variety of other wallets. Android mobile wallet, a powerful mobile wallet with smart contract templates (no address delegation). Electrum wallet, versatile desktop wallet, supports Trezor and Ledger hardware wallets. The moneypoolscash iOS mobile wallet is not currently available, but there are various 3rd party iOS wallets available.

Only the moneypoolscash Core wallet (desktop or server versions) can be used for staking. The moneypoolscash Core wallet downloads and syncs the entire blockchain and smart contract state database. A staking wallet must be online 24/7 to process every transaction, new block, and smart contract call. Mobile wallets and hardware wallets have their roles but they are not full nodes and they are not capable of staking, however, the moneypoolscash Electrum wallet can make an offline staking address delegation from a Ledger address.

Make a good backup of the wallet.dat file (Core wallet), key file (Web wallet), or Save Copy (Electrum). Write down and store offline your wallet passphrase, password, or seed words. Never share your private keys or seed words. Avoid handling private keys directly. Encrypt your Core wallet using these best practices. The best practice is staking on a separate computer that is not used for general web surfing and email since those activities can be a source of malware.

MPC20 tokens are derived from the protocol of Ethereum MPC20 tokens. MPC20 tokens are created by moneypoolscash smart contracts as a digital asset for use with DApps. Transactions with MPC20 tokens are made using contract calls and require moneypoolscash for gas fees. Some moneypoolscash wallets have built-in smart contracts templates to easily create MPC20 tokens by simply filling in a form and publishing that contract. See more details in the MPC20 token documentation.

Smart contracts for various types of NFTs may be created on moneypoolscash. The moneypoolscash Web wallet and Core wallet use the MPC1155 protocol, based on the OpenZeppelin MPC1155 contract.

The moneypoolscash Core wallet can be set up as a super staker to accept the address delegation from wallet addresses which then do not need to remain online. Offline staking keeps full control of the coins by the address delegator (nonconsensual) since only the delegated address is given to the super staker. The super staker and delegate agree to a small fee for the super staker service and block rewards are paid to the delegate immediately when issued.

From the super staker list at choose a super staker with a fee you will pay, that is making block rewards for delegates regularly, and that has a staking balance less than half its total balance.

DApps use a smart contract working with external servers and user interfaces. moneypoolscash smart contracts are written in the Solidity programming language and compiled to EVM bytecode. That code is published to the blockchain using a contract create transaction which costs approximately 1.1 moneypoolscash in gas and transaction fees. The smart contract operation can be linked with a server and user interfaces (for example on web or mobile apps) to complete the Decentralized Application. Publishing a smart contract on moneypoolscash is permissionless (anyone can do it). moneypoolscash smart contract and DApp development follow familiar patterns from Ethereum and web/mobile apps.

The recommendation is 40 to 80 confirmations, approximately 21 to 42 minutes.

moneypoolscash MPC20 tokens follow the same design pattern as Ethereum MPC20 tokens. Please see our MPC20 Integration Technical Document.

The BIP44 Coin Type is 88.

In addition to adding createcontract\sendtocontract\callcontract\searchlogs\gettransactionreceipt, all the rest of the RPC interfaces are almost identical to Bitcoin, so Bitcoin RPC references and RPC troubleshooting such as on can be used.

It is recommended to set the gas price to 0.00000040 (40 Satoshis). For MPC20 Token transactions, the gas limit is recommended to be set to 250000. For other types of contract transactions such as minting NFTs, contract creating, etc., you can use the explorer and search for similar successful transactions.

When the transaction is confirmed, the gas refund will be returned in the second "coinstake" transaction of the block which executes the contract transaction.

Please go to Testnet Faucet at

No, multi-signature currently does not work for calling contracts and sending and receiving MPC20 Tokens.

Yes, make sure if your contract is sending out payments, that it does not send more than 1,000 payments per call, since moneypoolscash has a maximum of 1,000 outputs per call, so the contract must manage payment queues. Also, don't use Ethereum units in the contracts (eth, wei …), instead use integers for Satoshis. In moneypoolscash 100,000,000 Satoshis = 1.0 moneypoolscash. 1 moneypoolscash = 10^8 in Solidity. Of course, test everything properly in conditions similar to production.

Follow the details documented here.

From the super staker list at choose a super staker with a fee you will pay, that is making block rewards for delegates regularly, and that has a staking balance less than half its total balance.

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